Hello Michael. See my earlier entry a few posts ago which includes a raw data slice of my irregularly shaped foam.
Since my post I have been reading back a bit more (Russ, J. e-book CRC Press "Image analysis of food structure"). From his information in Ch 4. Russ desceribes a Particle recognition function as inherently limited in its ability to identify internal structures, as it operates at a pixel level. Feature, as opposed to particle, recognition is required for my analysis.
The reason for my question was really whether the "include holes" option expands ImageJ Particle recognition to Feature recognition in some way. And whether it is working as expected or not, as when I use it on my slices, there is no difference between my slice outputs whether I choose "include holes" or not.
I see there is an ImageJ Plug-in, FeatureJ (
http://www.imagescience.org/meijering/software/featurej/) from the Biomedical Imaging Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Next stage for me, try this out.
To make some general comments about ImageJ, I have found it very hard to apply at the entry level. I have spent some months wandering in every now and then and trying something out with no luck. I recommend the Russ book as an excellent readable and practical introduction for those with zilch experience to digital analysis methods for material analysis. I also recommend the Particle recognition video tutorial at the
http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/ site. The little tricks in this e.g. tweaking the thresholding to reveal data on what looks like an empty output view (Ahah! That explains a lot!) helped me immensely.