Granulometry on image stacks

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Granulometry on image stacks

Stoyan Pavlov
My name is Stoyan Pavlov. I used ImageJ for a while, however I started only
recently to use it's advanced tools and options.
I am trying to perform Granulometry and granulometric filtering on image
The stacks should be processed as series of separate 2d images.
I need that the Granulometry plugin measures all images in the stack and
displays one plot (e.g. size vs density) for the entire stack.
From the granulometric filtering plugin I need that another stack of
filtered images is produced.
Does somebody know if this is possible and what are the needed changes in
the code .

Thanks in advance!

Dr. Stoyan P. Pavlov, MD
Departament of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov", Varna
Prof. Marin Drinov Str.55
9002 Varna
Tel: +359 (0) 52 - 650 - 061 #295
Fax: +359 (0) 52 - 650 - 019
e-mail: [hidden email]