Grey Level Co-occurence matrix

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Grey Level Co-occurence matrix


I'm José Ríos-Díaz, from Murcia (Spain). I`m not an specialist in image analysis but actually I`m working with fractal analysis of Rx bone image, and textural anlysis with GLCM method.
I`ve some doubts: Grey Level Co-occurence matrix plugin, that was made by Cabrera (I can`t contact with him), works at four orientations: 0, 90, 180 and 270, while original Haralik's paper (1973) talks about 0, 45, 90 and 135. I don´t know which is the reason.

About FracLac plugin I've habe a lot of problems to understand the meaning of results. Which are the values of "fractal dimension", "lacunarity", multifractal parameters.

Thanks and sorry for my English,

Prof. José Ríos Díaz
Diplomatura de Fisioterapia
Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud
Universidad Católica San Antonio
Campus de los Jerónimos s/n
30107 Guadalupe (Murcia)
Telf.  (34) 968 278 159
Fax.  (34) 968 278 820
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Re: Grey Level Co-occurence matrix

I have the same doubts now.
In my opinion, this is a error in program editing maybe.
Have you slove this problem?