Having problem in ImageJ

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Having problem in ImageJ


I am using Java 1.6.0_07 and Tomcat v6.10 and have downloaded and configured ImageJ 1.40 as a singed jar and able to invoke applet from my application.

1. when i click on File->Import->ImageSequence
and i have selected one image file it is giving error like this
java.lang.ClassFormatError: incompatiable magic value ......... in class file HandleExtraFileTypes
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native method)

2. Not able to see JFileChooser option, have checked all the menu option it is not there, how can i enable this option

3. Not able to change the memory size under Edit->Options->Memory and threads , able to change the parallel threads for stack but not able to change the maximum memory size.

4. when i click on close option in the window at the top right side it is not getting closed, how can i enable this option. window is closing only when we click ok or cancle button in the window.

5. Also need some examples and Documentation on ImageJ in web application

can anyone help on this issues please


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