Help analyse cell area

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Help analyse cell area

Ulrik Stervbo
Hello everyone,

Here is  an image I am trying to analyse:
<a href=""></a>

I need to know the size of the larger areas, marked by the more
greener lines. The small more circular areas are empty space.

The image is almost wathershed'ed (IMHO). All that's needed to use the
particle analyzer is to complete the broken lines. I have tried using
Gary Chingas 'Shape descriptors' - but cant really get it to work.

I found that if I split the image in RGB, and apply the Background
Correction plug-in, I get a nice image I could analyse by hand (which
I would like not to, because I have a lot of images). Having to delete
false regions (large space between cells for instance) doesn't bother

I am a bit stuck...

Thanks in advance for any comments or help
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Simple frame grabbing software

Chu, Calvin-2
Dear all,

Right now the microscope in my lab is connected to a CCD camera that only has a  composite video outuput.  To acquire images we purchased a USB Video adapter which receives input from the composite video source and converts the video into USB input for acquisition via the computer.  To capture the image frames we are currently using software purchased from pinnacle.  This software is intended more for people who are editing video, and is quite cumbersome when it comes to capturing a single frame.  

I am just wondering whether anyone could recommend some free frame grabbing software that is compatible with a USB video adapter.  I just want to capture single image frames, and also time lapse images at about 1 image/10 ms.


Thank you.


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Re: Simple frame grabbing software
Try with "QuickTime Capture" plugin. You can find it at:


   Nicola B.

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From      : "ImageJ Interest Group" [hidden email]
To          : [hidden email]
Cc          :
Date      : Mon, 23 Oct 2006 09:58:50 -0400
Subject : Simple frame grabbing software

> Dear all,
> Right now the microscope in my lab is connected to a CCD camera that only has a  composite video outuput.  To acquire images we purchased a USB Video adapter which receives input from the composite video source and converts the video into USB input for acquisition via the computer.  To capture the image frames we are currently using software purchased from pinnacle.  This software is intended more for people who are editing video, and is quite cumbersome when it comes to capturing a single frame.  
> I am just wondering whether anyone could recommend some free frame grabbing software that is compatible with a USB video adapter.  I just want to capture single image frames, and also time lapse images at about 1 image/10 ms.
> Thank you.
> Calvin.

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