Hi Everyone,
I need to isolate the nuclei from heterogeneous tissue (lung). These have
different color because they have been stained with DAB
(immunohistochemistry). Thus, the nuclei reacting to the antibody are brown
and the others not reacting are green.
The overall aim is to count the total number of nuclei and to separate those
stained. I can successfully count those nuclei that are stained through
"colour deconvolution" but I can not count those un-stained.
I have tried to install the following plugin (not sure if it is the one I
http://ij-plugins.sourceforge.net/plugins/clustering/index.htmli.e.: ij-plugins_toolkit_bin_1.3.0_r1107.zip
but ImageJ can not recognize the file.
Any idea or suggestion?
Many thanks for helping