try the plugin.
On Apr 19, 2007, at 12:44 AM, Kathie A Berghorn wrote:
> HI All,
> I am a new user of the Ziess LSM510 (and ImageJ) and we just
> collected our first data sets using a z series of living cells over
> time. I now have files with 240 images consisting of 3 images (z
> series) per 30 sec for 40 minutes. I want to separate out each
> level of the 3 levels and make a Quicktime movie of 80 images. I
> did this manually once but I just know there must be an easier
> way. Can anyone help me out? Relevant info -- I am using Mac OS
> X v 10.4.9 running ImageJ v1.37.
> Thanks,
> Kathie