Help on freeline ROIs

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Help on freeline ROIs

Dear all,

I'm really struggling hard on this project. I want to thank you for your
support. In my attempts to implement a general tool that will take
coordinates sequentially from mouse clicks and draw whatever I/the user
choose between those points, I have to convert calculated paths into
"freeline" ROIs.

The question is : how are freeline coordinates stored ? Can I export
easily freeline coordinates and store them in an array of known length
(how to know the minimal length needed) ?

Next, I want to assemble several freeline ROIs sequentially, to build a
bigger freeline ROI each time the user clicks on a location.
Unfortunately, storing freeline ROIs in the ROI manager and try to
"Combine" them does not work. If I store the coordinates in an array, is
ther a direct way to build an array by adding two arrays (more direct
than detecting the two lenghts, and building the bigger array in a loop).

Thank you for your help,

Christophe Leterrier

INSERM UMR641 Neurobiology of ionic channels
IFR Jean Roche - Mediterranee University
Marseille, France