Help with Macro required

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Help with Macro required

I'm trying to automate a list of tasks. I have a set of image stacks. Firstly they require averaging via z-protection. Then a back ground subtraction of another image. Finally a "normalisation" of a select area using the auto feature from brightness/contrast.
I ran the record which gave me:
run("Z Project...", "projection=[Average Intensity]");
saveAs("Tiff", "C:\\XXXX);
imageCalculator("Subtract create 32-bit", "AVGStack.tif","Subtractimage.tif");
makeOval(624, 390, 1350, 1353);
run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35");

I'm having issues because the macro is very specific to the files. I some how need to get it to run the Z Project perform the average open the specific image. Then get it to take the newly averaged image run the subtraction from it rather than the previously run set.