Hi all,
I would like to code a Hough Transform algorithm for circle detection, I already coded for line detection and it works pefectly. I detect lines thanks to the "find maxima" function, I use it on the hough space which is a 2D image but now that I want to detect circle I need to create the hough space for circle detection which needs to be represented on a 3D image.
My question is : where can I find plugins which allow me to create 3D images and to find local maxima on a 3D image ?
What I mean by create a 3D images is to set the value of each voxel of this image.
Thanks for the link but I couldn't find the function "3D local maxima", I used "3D Fast Filters" and it only process the 3D_Mean function. I also look in the "find command" function to seek for a plugin that allow to find 3D local maxima but there is nothing despite I installed all the plugins from this link :