Hello Clare,
I don´t have much expericence with DICOM stacks, but the one I worked with was also sorted in a weird way. The stack I had could be sorted as follows.
1) Open the DICOM series with File > Import > Image sequence ...
2) Then run the macro pasted below
3) Image>Stacks>Tools>Stack sorter>Sort by label
Hope that works for your stack as well
for (j=1; j<=nSlices; j++) {
imageNumber = getInfo("0020,0013");
imageNumber=IJ.pad(imageNumber,3); //three digit number. Otherwise sorting will be 1,10,2 ...
seriesNumber = getInfo("0020,0011");
setMetadata("Label", seriesNumber+"_"+imageNumber);
run("Properties...", "voxel_depth=sliceSpacing");
// the stack needs to be sorted by clicking on "sort by label"
// Image>Stacks>Tools>Stack sorter>Sort by label
run("Stack Sorter");