How do I autoupdate results to RGB Merge?

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How do I autoupdate results to RGB Merge?

Colin Sturm
I have two images that are fluorescent signals from a camera that are
black and white.  When I use RGB merge I can set one image as red and
the other as green and this generates an overlay of the two images.
Before I do this I need to change the minimum and maximum of each image
to an optimal setting that I determine for each image.
I want to be able to change the min and max and see an instant update of
the overlay as I change the value for either of the two original images.

Does anyone know how I could do this or how I could write a macro to
accomplish this?

Thanks for any help,
Colin Sturm
University of Florida
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Re: How do I autoupdate results to RGB Merge?

Michael Schmid
Hi Colin,

If your input images are 8-bit, Image>Adjust>Color Balance
will do almost exactly what you want (after merging to RGB).
You have to press "Apply" before switching the color channel.

If you have 16-bit or float images to start with, this looks
like a task that cannot be done with a macro, you would need
a plugin, and I fear that this is not a plugin that could be
easily written by a beginner.


On 12 Mar 2007, at 22:25, Colin Sturm wrote:

> I have two images that are fluorescent signals from a camera that  
> are black and white.  When I use RGB merge I can set one image as  
> red and the other as green and this generates an overlay of the two  
> images.
> Before I do this I need to change the minimum and maximum of each  
> image to an optimal setting that I determine for each image.
> I want to be able to change the min and max and see an instant  
> update of the overlay as I change the value for either of the two  
> original images.
> Does anyone know how I could do this or how I could write a macro  
> to accomplish this?
> Thanks for any help,
> Colin Sturm
> University of Florida