Hi John,
> Anyone out there know what this figure might be
In September, there were around 15,000 unique IPs which checked for updates
(by pinging
http://update.imagej.net/). However, that number is a drastic
underestimation, because it does not count users who:
A) Have disabled update checking; or
B) Did not run ImageJ during the month of September; or
C) Still use bare ImageJ 1.x
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 9:19 PM, John Oreopoulos <
[hidden email]
> wrote:
> An acquaintance of mine is curious to know how many ImageJ users there are
> in the world. I could find no statistics on this, but I imagine that a
> tally of the total number of times ImageJ (or FIJI) has been downloaded
> might provide a good estimate. Anyone out there know what this figure might
> be or where I could find it?
> Cheers,
> John Oreopulos
> --
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