How merge channels after modification of .lif images?

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How merge channels after modification of .lif images?

Dear group,
I have leica files of confocal images of 4 channels (red, blue, green and cyan). I need to modify each set of images and then save them as tiff and jpeg, prior to merge the channels followed by save composite output.
After import 1 serie of .lif file, I successfully modified the image, but I dont know which code use to save the resulting images or to continue with the merge channels.

title = getTitle ();
run("Split Channels");
selectImage("C1-" + title);
red = getTitle();
selectImage("C2-" + title);
blue = getTitle();
selectImage("C3-" + title);
green = getTitle();
selectImage("C4-" + title);
cyan = getTitle();

//FOR EACH COLOUR: red, blue, green and cyan

run("Subtract Background...", "rolling=50");
run("Median...", "radius=0.5");
run("Set Scale...", "distance=4.8 known=1 pixel=1 unit=micron global");
run("Scale Bar...", "width=10 height=8 font=28 color=White background=None location=[Lower Right] bold overlay");

// HERE ANY CODE TO SAVE DOESNT WORK... finally, the code for merge doesnt work

run("Merge Channels...", "c1=" + red + " c2=" + green + " c3=" + blue + " c4=" + *None* + " c5=" + cyan + " create keep");