How to Upgrade with a fierce (strict) firewall [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

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How to Upgrade with a fierce (strict) firewall [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Goldsmith, Noel
I have been trying to cope with the problems of upgrading ImageJ using the
Update ImageJ menu item under the help menu. And I know that under the
Options menu there is an item Proxy settings.
I can report that I have tried to use this many times and failed.
At home it works like a dream.

But at work, I do the following.
Edit>Options>Proxy settings and insert the correct address for the proxy and
the user name and passwords, and then select Help>Update ImageJ
I get the dialog which reads.
Unable to connect to You may need to use the
Edi>Options>Proxy Settings command to configure ImageJ to use a proxy
Can anyone suggest an improvement, or an alternative.

I can use a web browser to connect to the ImageJ web site, and notice that
to get a connection to such an external web site I need to use my user name
and password at least twice  to get a connection. I believe we use NTLM as
part of our security here, and I am using a Mac.
Thank You

Noel Goldsmith
Air Vehicles Division
506 Lorimer Street
Port Melbourne
3207 Victoria
613 96267527
[hidden email]

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