How to make Intensity Analysis of cells

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How to make Intensity Analysis of cells

Mengliang Zhang
I'm going to do intensity analysis of DAB-labeled cells using ImageJ. The
micrographs were in black and white. What I have done is that I use Polygon
Selections or Freehand Line Selections to surround a cell and then click
Analyze - Measure. There will be a Results window comes up and one of the
items in it is Mean Gray Value. My questions are: 1. is this Mean Gray
Value the intensity value of the selected cell? 2. the value is higher when
the selected profile is lighter and lower when the profile is darker. It
that right? I thought it should be other way around. 3. Is there any way to
select multiple cells at one time? I really appreciate any one can provide
me some help or give me a short instruction for doing this in a right way.
Sincerely yours,