For consistency with the user interface of another application, I need to have two macros that uses '/' and '\' as the keyboard shortcut. The problem is that these shortcuts are already used in the "Stacks - Reslice" and "Stacks - Tools - Start Animation" menu choices. I am unable to override these shortcuts; I tried to insert my macros in the StartupMacros.txt file but the menu shortcuts override my shortcuts. The "Reslice [/]" command is still runs instead of "MyMacro [/]".
So my questions are,
1) Is there any way to make a macro shortcut have precedence over a shortcut defined in the menus?
2) Can I edit the built-in menus in any way other than changing the source and recompiling?
For example, is there any way I can change an entry in the menus, using JavaScript in the AutoRun macro?
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