Dear Users/Developers,
In the ImageJ user guide it reads:
"overlays ...
do not need to be saved externally when using TIFF"
... but what if someone WANTS THEM TO? I mean to save an
overlay independently from the image itself, as a small - vector! - file
with possibility to put it over the same image in some later time? I
could find nothing in the guide nor the Forum on saving overlays as
independent files.
My problem is I have some hundred scans with specimens to be
measured, in JPEG that (due to detailedness) are ~11 MB each
(making up several gigabytes altogether) and, in spite of using low
compression, they are 10x smaller than TIFF and still 5x smaller than
ZIPped TIFF. For my goals JPEGs are perfectly OK and I want to
retain the overlay with measuring lines for archival purposes, but I
don't want to fill whole my HDD (or have my shelf filled with dozens
of DVD-Rs) with TIFFs to this end.
Have I missed something?