Forwarding to mailing list so that others can learn this too.
2011/5/2 Johannes Schindelin <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 2 May 2011, Carnė Draug wrote:
>> 2011/5/2 Johannes Schindelin <
[hidden email]>:
>> > If everything else fails, inline it. Otherwise, you can always use
>> > ImageJA's mob branch to push your changes.
>> I think I just pushed my changes into the master branch by accident. How
>> can I push to the mob branch? I'm more familiar with hg and svn, not
>> much with git.
> Happily, you could not push to master. So nothing's wrong. You can push
> into the mob branch by "git push
[hidden email]:/srv/git/imageja.git
> HEAD:mob".
> Note that you're lucky to catch me with a private mail: I'll be offline
> for the next two days starting in a few minutes.
> Note also that by taking things private, the next guy with the same
> problem will have to ask again. And I might have to spend time again to
> answer because that guy might also go private.
> Ciao,
> Johannes