I would suggest possibly using quantitative colocalisation, the 'Manders Coefficient' plugin that
comes with the WCIF version of Image-J is good-I'm using it to make a similar comparison at the
Best regards,
Gareth Edwards.
http://www.garethedwards.fotopic.netDr Gareth O Edwards
Cardiff School of Biosciences
Cardiff University
Main Building
Park Place
Cardiff CF10 3TL
Wales UK
[hidden email]
Phone: +44(0)29 2087 4000 (main)
Phone: +44(0)29 2087 5278 (office/lab)
>>> Lior Eshed <
[hidden email]> 11/22/06 7:02 am >>>
Dear all,
I'm using IamgeJ to analyze images of a Biorad confocal microscope, to study the composition of
bacterial Biofilms by differential fluoroscent staining.
I have a z-series set of 8-bit images in two colors (red and green). after merging them I get a
series of RGB images with mostly yellow color (the result of merging red and green). However, this
color varies between green to red, as a result of the dominant color in the specific Z
I'm looking for a way to track these changes in the dominant color along the Z-series. There must
be a simple way to do so... How?
" In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength.
In water there is bacteria "
- German proverb