I'm brand new to this, and appreciate any help you may be able to
provide. I've got this plugin called "Nova Plugin" which was written
to find novae in images of galaxies. Someone was hired to write this
plugin, probably a few years ago, but I don't have access to that
person anymore. The plugin works in ImageJ 1.37v and earlier, but
not 1.38x or 1.39e. When I attempt to run the plugin, I get the
following error message:
Plugin or class not found: "Nova_Plugin_"
(java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ij/plugin/FITS)
Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I know very little about
Java, but am willing to learn. (Actually, I wrote some Java on the
web a few years ago, so maybe it's in there somewhere.) Let me know
what other information you might need to know.