Hi Christophe,
On Sun, 28 Sep 2014, Christophe Leterrier wrote:
> I just realized that the ImageJ API I'm using at
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/developer/api/ for javascript writing is for the
> 1.48t version, which is from March 2014. Do you know how I can access the
> API for the latest IJ versions (including daily builds if possible)?
The newest javadocs are always available from
http://jenkins.imagej.net/job/ImageJ1-javadoc/javadoc/(if in doubt, look at
http://javadoc.imagej.net/). These javadocs are
generated by the faithful Jenkins server, and even made available for
download in a .jar file:
http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=net/imagej/ij/1.49h/ij-1.49h-javadoc.jar(You can also use similar forms of the latter URL to obtain previous API
versions' javadocs, sources and compile products.)
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