Identification different minerals in CT scan image

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Identification different minerals in CT scan image

Hi Everyone
I am taking CT scan image of my ore which has different ores. Some of the minerals has very similar properties(density and atomic number) so it gives similar grey levels in the image. Now, I am taking image at two different energy which gives me two image with different gray levels. So, I need to know how I can use imagej for identification and differentiate of these minerals from each other in the image. Maybe it is possible with combining the scan grey levels of two image and using a mask to remove one of them, however, I do not know how do the image processing. Could anyone help me in this regards?
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Re: Identification different minerals in CT scan image

In tomography you obtain a great number of images (volume), donĀ“t you? I ask you this because I use another program to treat the image, but it does not useful if you has a lot of images in a volume. Imagej is really no friendly to treat images, so I use GIMP2, similar to Photoshop but free. You can use layers easily. If you use 2 layer, for example, and identify differents artefacts or objects in each one you can add them in one and obtain a image to analysis with imageJ. Sorry, maybe this cannot help you
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Re: Identification different minerals in CT scan image

Thanks for your response
Yes, I obtain 4000 2D slices from tomography, but if I can differentiate two object in one slice I can do that for other slices. As I said because the density of two object is close to each other the image gives close gray levels. Anyway, thank you very much I will try to do that by your suggested software.