Image 3d plugin- error with duplicate command.

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Image 3d plugin- error with duplicate command.

Kline, David D.
HI List,

I am using the ImageJ 3D viewer. I recently updated the plugin at by downloading the new jar file into ImageJ. While the plugin runs fine, I am receiving an error for a duplicate command.

It is: "Mesh Maker", ij3d.Mesh_Maker (already in ImageJ_3D_Viewer.jar)

It would seem there is the same command in the plugin folder under "customnode" and  "ij3d". But I cannot find how to eliminate one of these, presumably I would delete the "customnode" to rid me of this error. Does this sound correct? Can someone please help?


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Re: Image 3d plugin- error with duplicate command.


On Mon, 12 Apr 2010, Kline, David D. wrote:

> I am using the ImageJ 3D viewer. I recently updated the plugin at
> by downloading the new jar file into
> ImageJ. While the plugin runs fine, I am receiving an error for a
> duplicate command.
> It is: "Mesh Maker", ij3d.Mesh_Maker (already in ImageJ_3D_Viewer.jar)

You probably managed to get a plugins/VIB_.jar from somewhere, too. The
error message basically means that you have two plugin .jar files bundling
the same class...
