Dear Kruss,
Your question is not totally clear to me. Is the ROI always in the same position? What identifies your ROI in the image? Maybe you can show an example image as well as the macro code that you already have?
Best wishes
Dr Ir K.R. Straatman
Senior Experimental Officer
Advanced Imaging Facility
Centre for Core Biotechnology Services
University of Leicester workshops 1 and 2 June: Message-----
From: kruss [mailto:
[hidden email]]
Sent: 13 April 2017 21:14
[hidden email]
Subject: Image Processing
I am very new to ImageJ and could use some help. I need to analyze the number of tiny white dots in my black an white images. However, I only want to analyze a portion of each image. I can do this by drawing a contour around the ROI, setting a threshold, and analyze particles. However, I have many images to analyze. I have a simple macro that I can use. It pulls the images out of a file, and I cannot get the contours to be maintained on these images without opening them through ImageJ individually. Does anyone have a solution to this problem so I can use batch processing instead of analyzing each image individually?
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