This post was updated on .
I have used Image Sequence in a macro to automate mosaicing, using the virtual memory option. However on upgrading to 1.47 (64-bit, MacOS X, Java 1.6.0_26) my simple macro code:
print("Mosaicing the "+numfiles+" ("+xLocations+" x "+NumChunks+") images...");
run("Image Sequence...", "open="+path+" number="+numfiles+" starting=1 increment=1 \\
scale=100 file=Crown_Height_ sort use");
run("Make Montage...", "columns="+xLocations+" rows="+NumChunks+" scale=1 first=1 \\
last="+numfiles+" increment=1 border=0");
stops and the Log gives:
Mosaicing the 272 (17 x 16) images...
ImageJ: This ZIP archive does not appear to contain a
TIFF (".tif") or DICOM (".dcm") file, or ROIs (".roi").
On checking the fora/internets others have noticed the greying out of filenames with Image Sequence: is this the same issue and how do I fix it? Do I have to write my files into a directory and select that? This was so cool before it broke! Can anyone suggest how I do this in 1.47?