Image Total Variation Calculation Plug-in?

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Image Total Variation Calculation Plug-in?

Hi, all
I am looking for a ImageJ plug-in to calculate the total
variation of a noised image(or stacks) where it compares to its original.
Would anyone help me, please? Thanks.

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How to get a stack from an inactive "ImagePlus" window?

Hi, all
I need to develop a plug-in to get a stack from an inactive
"ImagePlus" window, but the interface "PlugInFilter" only
provides the actived window "ImagePlus imp" parameter.
public interface PlugInFilter {
        public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp);
        public void run(ImageProcessor ip);
How can I get a stack from another inactived "ImagePlus" window?
Would anyone help me, please? Thanks.

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Re: How to get a stack from an inactive "ImagePlus" window?


On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, yel wrote:

> I need to develop a plug-in to get a stack from an inactive
> "ImagePlus" window, but the interface "PlugInFilter" only
> provides the actived window "ImagePlus imp" parameter.

You can get another ImagePlus by using the static methods getImage() of
the class ij.WindowManager. Example:

        ImagePlus otherImage = WindowManager.getImage("blobs.gif");

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Re: Image Total Variation Calculation Plug-in?

In reply to this post by yeliang
If I understand your question correctly,  you can get the total
variance per pixel in a stack using the Image\Stacks\Z-projection
option of Standard Deviation.  (convert the statistic to variance, if
absolutely desired; there is no variance function as far as I've
seen) The S.D. image intensity that is output indicates the
variability in intensity over the stack per pixel. If you need this
versus the first image, perhaps duplicate that slice and subtract it
from the stack before running the S.D. projection.

At 11:35 PM 9/12/2006, you wrote:
>Hi, all
>I am looking for a ImageJ plug-in to calculate the total
>variation of a noised image(or stacks) where it compares to its original.
>Would anyone help me, please? Thanks.

Vytas Bindokas, Ph.D.
Research Assoc. / Assoc. Prof.,
Director, BSD Light Microscopy Core Facility
Dept Neurobiol Pharmacol Physiol MC0926
947 E 58th Street
The University of Chicago
Chicago IL 60637
Room 1007 (CLSC)


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