Image > Transform > Translate

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Image > Transform > Translate

Hi all together,

I tried Image > Transform > Translate and had two problems.

The first time, I did not check "Overlay Only" and the object (a circular
outline one pixel wide) was moved but the pixels having the minimal value
for x and y were not processed resulting in an outline with two gaps (X
Offset = Y Offset = -1).

Then I repeated the process, checked "Overlay Only", and found out that
this is not what I was heading for.

Finally, I tried again without checking "Overlay Only" but imagej behaved
as if the box was checked. Leaving imagej and calling it again did not
change this "stubborn" behaviour.

Thank you, Thomas

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Re: Image > Transform > Translate

Michael Schmid
Hi Thomas,

for pixels outside of the translated image, the Image > Transform >
Translate command uses a pixel value of zero. Pixels with a value of
zero usually appear black (white with an inverting LUT). I guess that
this is the two gaps that you refer to.

I could not reproduce the problem of translating the overlay although
the corresponding checkbox was off. Here is an example of what I did
(macro recorded):

   run("Blobs (25K)");
   makeOval(74, 77, 56, 52);
   run("Add Selection...");
   run("Translate...", "x=20 y=20 interpolation=Bicubic overlay");
   run("Select None");
   run("Translate...", "x=-2 y=3 interpolation=Bicubic");

[The overlay (if existing) will be translated in any case, whether
"overlay only" is on or off. With "overlay only", the image will not be

Could you please record a case where the problem appears, or otherwise
tell which steps one has to perform to reproduce the problem?

On 28.09.20 23:05, Thomas Fischer wrote:

> Hi all together,
> I tried Image > Transform > Translate and had two problems.
> The first time, I did not check "Overlay Only" and the object (a circular
> outline one pixel wide) was moved but the pixels having the minimal value
> for x and y were not processed resulting in an outline with two gaps (X
> Offset = Y Offset = -1).
> Then I repeated the process, checked "Overlay Only", and found out that
> this is not what I was heading for.
> Finally, I tried again without checking "Overlay Only" but imagej behaved
> as if the box was checked. Leaving imagej and calling it again did not
> change this "stubborn" behaviour.
> Thank you, Thomas
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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Re: Image > Transform > Translate

Thank you Michael,

after updating my imagej (I confess I should have done it earlier) I cannot
reproduce the two issues. However, I noticed that the image is moved when
overlay is checked but no overlay exists.

With best regards, Thomas

Am Di., 29. Sept. 2020 um 11:36 Uhr schrieb Michael Schmid <
[hidden email]>:

> Hi Thomas,
> for pixels outside of the translated image, the Image > Transform >
> Translate command uses a pixel value of zero. Pixels with a value of
> zero usually appear black (white with an inverting LUT). I guess that
> this is the two gaps that you refer to.
> I could not reproduce the problem of translating the overlay although
> the corresponding checkbox was off. Here is an example of what I did
> (macro recorded):
>    run("Blobs (25K)");
>    makeOval(74, 77, 56, 52);
>    run("Add Selection...");
>    run("Translate...", "x=20 y=20 interpolation=Bicubic overlay");
>    run("Select None");
>    run("Translate...", "x=-2 y=3 interpolation=Bicubic");
> [The overlay (if existing) will be translated in any case, whether
> "overlay only" is on or off. With "overlay only", the image will not be
> translated.]
> Could you please record a case where the problem appears, or otherwise
> tell which steps one has to perform to reproduce the problem?
> Michael
> ________________________________________________________________
> On 28.09.20 23:05, Thomas Fischer wrote:
> > Hi all together,
> >
> > I tried Image > Transform > Translate and had two problems.
> >
> > The first time, I did not check "Overlay Only" and the object (a circular
> > outline one pixel wide) was moved but the pixels having the minimal value
> > for x and y were not processed resulting in an outline with two gaps (X
> > Offset = Y Offset = -1).
> >
> > Then I repeated the process, checked "Overlay Only", and found out that
> > this is not what I was heading for.
> >
> > Finally, I tried again without checking "Overlay Only" but imagej behaved
> > as if the box was checked. Leaving imagej and calling it again did not
> > change this "stubborn" behaviour.
> >
> > Thank you, Thomas
> >
> > --
> > ImageJ mailing list:
> >
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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