Image sequence - first post failed

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Image sequence - first post failed

I am new to ImageJ and would like to use ij.jar in my application.
What I need to do is implement Image sequence to get a stack of images.
I did a search of the IJ source code and could find no reference to this.

Can anyone give me a starting point to build an image stack, using as much
as possible tools which already exist.

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saving a rectangular ROI

M. Nur Heriawan
Dear all,

I have a 2048x2048 pixels of 16-bit image and would
like to save a small part of it either to be text
image or save xy coordinate..

For instance I did a rectangular ROI and then saved
it, but unfortunately the result was still the whole

I appreciate any helps to solve this problem. Thank


M. Nur Heriawan
Laboratory of Applied Geoscience and Technology  
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Kumamoto University, JAPAN

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Re: saving a rectangular ROI


On Thu, 1 Feb 2007, M. Nur Heriawan wrote:

> I have a 2048x2048 pixels of 16-bit image and would
> like to save a small part of it either to be text
> image or save xy coordinate..
> For instance I did a rectangular ROI and then saved
> it, but unfortunately the result was still the whole
> image.

Try Image>Duplicate after selecting the interesting part. Then, save the
resulting image.
