I tried, it works by using same size of gray images.
I am not sure what images you are using. You should be more specifically.
You could send me the images I could try.
Questions are :
Are the images RGB or gray images?
Are the images same size?
What is the version of imageJ, did you try to update it to the most recent?
If not, try to update it.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Eric Denarier <
[hidden email]
> wrote:
> Hi All, I use the imageCalculator to add two images (each containing only
> value from 0 to 2). I expect that the number of pixels with a value over 0
> will be the sum of the number of pixels with the value over 0 in the two
> images.... But it is not !!! However the number of pixels is the same !!!
> Enclose is the list of values of the two images and their addition. Images
> are 561X411 Is it normal ????
> --
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