Dear Daniel,
I recently tried your nice application ImageFlow
( )
and was quite impressed by the ease of use.
When trying to create a macro with it, I immediately got a few ideas how
to improve usability even further:
- when I copied the ImageFlow folder into ImageJ's plugin folder and
tried to start ImageFlow as a plugin, it complained that the xml_units
folder is missing. I had to solve it by putting the xml_units folder
directly into "plugins/" instead of "plugins/ImageFlow/". I think the
plugin should look for the folder at the place where the plugin sits.
(same for the other xml folders, I guess)
(tried with Fiji/ImageJ 1.43g and Mac OSX 10.5.8 with Java 1.6.0)
- I have observed sometimes when closing the ImageFlow plugin window,
the whole Fiji/ImageJ application quits. This is a serious bug, as it
can lead to data loss when other (unsaved) images are open.
- I don't yet see a way to process a big number of files with the same
workflow, apart from creating the macro and adding the lines to process
e.g. all files in a folder manually.
The "For-loop" unit is something that could be extended to loop over all
the files in a folder, for example, to create macros like this: functionality like "Import>Image Sequence..." where you can choose
which files to process would be helpful as well.
- is there a way to retrieve unit parameters dynamically? For example,
it would be useful to have an input parameter of type double or integer
for the units "Gaussian Blur" or "Threshold", to set the values
according to need when processing different images. I think I could just
write a new xml unit definition, but has anybody done similar things yet?
- MeVisLab software is using a similar concept of visual workflow
editing. There the different modules/units can interchange information
by coupling two units via "Parameter connections". Maybe an interesting
concept to adopt??