ImageJ Applet Memory Settings

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ImageJ Applet Memory Settings

Jason NoSpam
If running ImageJ as a web applet, is 64mb the maximum amount of RAM that ImageJ can use?

If the maximum is 64mb, how can I open 100 1mb images as an image stack? Is there some setting in the ImageJ source that I can adjust to increase the maximum client use memory to say 128mb?

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Re: ImageJ Applet Memory Settings

Wayne Rasband
> If running ImageJ as a web applet, is 64mb the maximum amount of RAM
> that ImageJ can use?
> If the maximum is 64mb, how can I open 100 1mb images as an image
> stack? Is there some setting in the ImageJ source that I can adjust to
> increase the maximum client use memory to say 128mb?

You can make more memory available to applets by entering something
like "-Xmx256m" (increases limit to 256MB) in the Java Plug-in's "Java
Runtime Parameters" field. On Mac OS X, the Java Plug-ins are in
Applications/Utilities/Java. On Windows, the Java Plug-in is a Control

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Re: ImageJ Applet Memory Settings

Jason NoSpam
Thanks Wayne.

Is there any workaround so the end user does not have to manually make this change to the Java VM?

Wayne Rasband <[hidden email]> wrote: > If running ImageJ as a web applet, is 64mb the maximum amount of RAM
> that ImageJ can use?
> If the maximum is 64mb, how can I open 100 1mb images as an image
> stack? Is there some setting in the ImageJ source that I can adjust to
> increase the maximum client use memory to say 128mb?

You can make more memory available to applets by entering something
like "-Xmx256m" (increases limit to 256MB) in the Java Plug-in's "Java
Runtime Parameters" field. On Mac OS X, the Java Plug-ins are in
Applications/Utilities/Java. On Windows, the Java Plug-in is a Control


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