ImageJ Conference 2008 - Call for paper

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ImageJ Conference 2008 - Call for paper

Andreas Jahnen
Dear ImageJ Community,

I want you to remind you with this email, that the call for paper for our
conference will end in two weeks!

Be sure to submit your paper before this deadline!

I want to remind you that active presenters receive travel support and
scientific poster presenters are granted a 50% reduction on the conference
fees. Please help us to make this conference a big success!

To coordinate our organisation it would be good to know today who is
planning to submit a workshop, presentation or poster. This will allow us
to create a consistent workshop programme.

See you at the conference,

                        Andreas Jahnen

Here are again the confernce details: 6. - 7. November 2008 in Luxembourg,

For additional information: 

Andreas Jahnen  -  Ingenieur de Recherche
[hidden email]
CRP Henri Tudor  -
2A, rue Kalchesbrück
L-1852 Luxembourg