ImageJ Ratio Values

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ImageJ Ratio Values

Hey everyone!

I am using ImageJ for importing images from a confocal fluorescent microscope (tif-Format) using LOCI plugin.
I split the two channels (red and green) and substract the background.

Then I use the Ratio Plus plugin to calculate the ratio between the two channels as a 32-bit image.

Now, e.g., for Image 1 I have a ratio value between the two channels of ~ 0.8.
For a 2nd image, the ratio value is around 0.005 or something like that.

When I save this ratio images, ImageJ sets the values as 8-bit ranging from 0-255 and thus I am loosing my true ratio values.

I would like to tell ImageJ to use a special colour (eg blue) for the lower ratio values of the second image and another color (eg red) for the high values of the first image. Then, it would be grade to have a kind of colour map drawn, ranging from blue to red and showing the different shades.

I would be really happy if someone can help me with this. I am an absolute ImageJ newbie and spend the last hour checking the www for helpful information.

Thank you very much!!
