ImageJ and NetBeans

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ImageJ and NetBeans

xian lee

I put the source folder in C:\projects\ImageJ\source.
It was compiled and run successfully using netbeans.
But when I look at the code, some of the code such as
"package ij.plugin.filter;" was underlined and saying
that "Incorrect package".  Anybody knows why?

Also can I debug the primary code (I mean not plugins)
such as "File->Open"?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: ImageJ and NetBeans

J H-4
For the most part you can ignore this artificial error.

Here's what is really happening (technical discussion warning).  In the set
up guide for netbeans, step 6 and step 9 are technically incorrect.  It asks
you to add source/ij and source/plugins to the project as the java source
directories in the properties dialog. Hence when you have package
ij.plugin.filter, netbeans *thinks* that it should go into the directory
source/ij/ij/plugins/ which is not where it is, and that's why the error
appears.  However, when you build the project, you build from the source/
directory not the source/ij directory, so everything works out at compile
time. That's why I say you can ignore the error.

Technically what should happen instead is that source/ is designated as the
source directory, so that the compiler AND NetBeans looks for
ij.plugin.filter in the directory source/ij/plugin.   However, the way the
ANT file is currently written, the build directory appears in source/ which
would mess things up, so don't change the source to source/.

Not wanting to offend anyone, but really in true software speak, there
should be a lib and build directory at the same directory level as source.
I've actually custom written a build.xml to correct for this.

As for debugging the core source,  when  debugging, make sure that in the
source window (only showing when actively debugging) that the source and
ij.jar items are checked.

hope this helps.

On Jan 28, 2008 3:58 PM, xian lee <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I put the source folder in C:\projects\ImageJ\source.
> It was compiled and run successfully using netbeans.
> But when I look at the code, some of the code such as
> "package ij.plugin.filter;" was underlined and saying
> that "Incorrect package".  Anybody knows why?
> Also can I debug the primary code (I mean not plugins)
> such as "File->Open"?
> Thanks in advance.
> Alber
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