ImageJ and OCR

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ImageJ and OCR

Poojith Jain
 I  am  using ImageJ for image processing.But i need  to deal with the
 text  in  image.I need  to  know is there  any  plugins  or  built in
capability  to  identify  the  text  and return  the   position  of
the  text.

Thank You
Kind  Regards
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Re: ImageJ and OCR

I too am looking to report the location of text in an image. The text is always horizontal so would consist of white space between each line and multiple white space between each letter approximately evenly spaced. If ImageJ can do this then it would really really help me.
Some pages may be picture images so I'd like a negative result for those.
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Re: ImageJ and OCR

Implementing and using an ocr reader within .net framwork to fast and accurate image recognition function, which converts scanned images into searchable text formats, such as PDF, PDF/A, WORD and any other document formats with the support of over 40 languages and characters sets.
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Re: ImageJ and OCR

In reply to this post by Poojith Jain
if you want to extract text in image, you need some OCR library to do this. if you want to use free tool, you can try Tesseract OCR engine, it's an open source library, can detect text from image and get the text position in the image.