I released a new version of the Eclipse ImageJ plugin which now bundles ImageJ (version 1.51p) with a full featured Eclipse editor for the macro language of ImageJ.
Features of the Eclipse ImageJ macro editor:
*Dynamic error detection (grammar derived from the ECMA grammar by Bart Kiers)
*Toolbar action to execute ImageJ macros
*Syntax highlightening
*Debugging support (reusing and implementing interfaces and methods from @Wayne - same keyboard shortcuts - see animation below)
*Code completion (with browser help)
*Code templates (add you own templates)
*Info popups (text hoover)
*Outline view (var variables, variables, methods and macros)
*Automatic closing of braces, parentheses and strings
*Automatic indention of functions,loops, etc.
*Code folding
*Code formatting (based on the Eclipse-javascript-formatter by Sebastian Moran)
*Resize fonts functions (with Ctrl++ or CMD++, CTRL+- or CMD +-)
*Font preferences
*Mark occurences (scope independant)
*A copy function for the ImageJ forum (simply adding javascript tags)
For screenshots and more information see the anouncement in the ImageJ forum:
To install the plugin the latest Eclipse Java version 4.7 (Oxygen) is required (I tested this plugin with 4.7).
The plugin is available from the Eclipse Marketplace Client within Eclipse:
Help->Eclipse Marketplace... (search for ImageJ and press the install button).
Alternative installation:
Open the Help->Install new Software dialog and add the following update site:
https://bio7.github.io/imagej/Then select the update site and install the plugins.
Please note:
To start open the ImageJ perspective (Window->Perspective->Open perspective->Other->ImageJ Edit - or use the toolbar action).
To create an ImageJ macro first create a general eclipse project (File->New->Project->General Project - Other Project types are allowed, too!) and then create an ImageJ macro in the project folder (New->Other->ImageJ->ImageJ Macro File).
The ImageJ toolbar can be opened in the ImageJ-Canvas view menu (Window->ImageJ-Toolbar)
Images can be dropped in a folder of Eclipse and can be opened from within Eclipse (special image icon available when image extension is detected)
in the Eclipse ImageJ view. Unknown image formats (default extensions are used only) can be opened with (Open with->Other->ImageJ Image Editor) or simply by drag and
For screenshots and more information see the anouncement in the ImageJ forum:
http://forum.imagej.net/t/imagej-plugin-with-new-eclipse-macro-editor-released/6191The sources can be found on the dedicated Github website:
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