Nice job, I will recomend this as a fast reference.
About the "Editing at mid-level: the ImageProcessor" section, I never
recomend using those methods unless you really need to use ROI,... I think
there should be a warning note explaining the efficience problems of the
Get/Set methods and the need of "Editing at low-level: the pixel array" or
most of the new programmers will try to use the ImageProcessor methods
because 'its easier'...
"As for processing multiple images in parallel: ImageJ 1.41f and later lets
you apply any sequence of plugins (and commands, which are/behave like
plugins) to a given image in a thread-safe manner."
This feature is new for me, I will have a look! :-)
Thank you for the document!
2008/8/20 Albert Cardona <
[hidden email]>