Ben Tupper wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Kevin Marsh wrote:
>> I have point data that was collected from an external process that has
>> X and Y coordinates and a unique identifier. I was wondering if there
>> was an easy way to create point selections (or some other type of
>> marker) of the data on top of an image.
> Hi,
> The macro below will read a columnar text file, parse it, and plot the
> contents on an image. The example text file is pasted below the macro.
> // begin macro
> file = File.openDialog("Select the text file to read");
> allText = File.openAsString(file);
> text = split(allText, "\n");
> hdr = split(text[0]);
> //these are the column indices
> iX = 0;
> iY = 1;
> iLabel = 2;
> setForegroundColor(255,255,255);
> run("Blobs (25K)");
> for (i = 1; i < (text.length); i++){
> line = split(text[i]);
> drawString(line[iLabel], parseInt(line[iX]), parseInt(line[iY]));
> }
> // end macro
> // begin example file
> X Y Label
> 10 20 "Bob"
> 50 70 "Jeff"
> 100 100 "Betty"
> //end example file
> Ben Tupper
You can also use point ROIs, which help if you want to look at one point
at a a time. Just replace the code in Ben's for loop with
makePoint(parseInt(line[iX]), parseInt(line[iY]));