On 2011.06.28, at 20:44 , Ben Forbes wrote:
> Whenever I install a macro using Plugins -> Macros -> Install... it
> replaces all existing macros in the menu with the new one. According
> to
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/docs/guide/userguide-28.html> the macros should be added to the bottom. Could this be fixed please?
Der Ben,
It is a misunderstanding.
By design you can only have one set of macros installed at a time.
As such, Plugins>Macros>Install... will only append to the
Plugins>Macros> submenu the last installed macro set.
The revised version of the User guide (due later this year), will be
more clear about this aspect.
That being said, there are several ways to overcome this "limitation"
1) Using toolsets:
Save your macro files in ImageJ/macros/toolsets folder. That way you
can use the ">>" toolbar menu to activate groups of macros, tools
as well as toolbar menus
2) Saving your macros in the ImageJ/Plugins directory:
Macro files saved with a '.ijm' extension and placed in the plugins
folder hierarchy will appear in the Plugins> menu. These macros are
treated as regular IJ commands (e.g., listed by the Command FInder).
Macros with a '.txt' extension must contain at least one underscore
in the filename.
3) Using the Action Bar Plugin by Jerome Mutterer:
4) Hosting extra functions in a fixed repository that can then be shared
between macros using:
functions = File.openAsString(thePathtoMyFancyFunctions.txt);
call("ij.macro.Interpreter.setAdditionalFunctions", functions);
On a related note and in case you are interested in merging macro files,
note that you can use the built-in macro function runMacro(name) to easily
call a macro from another