I'm using the Intensity Correlation Analysis plugin (bundled into the colocalisation analysis folder in the MBF Image J package, designed by Tony Collins and published in Li et al (2004)) and need some help please!
I'm comparing colocalisation analyses of samples of different genotypes and need to know something about the graphical representation of PDM values. This figure generated by the plugin shows regions of co- and anti- localisation between the input data. Co-localisation is represented by pixels > 128 intensity and anti-localisation is represented by pixels < 128 intensity according to the values generated by the algorithm. A LUT colour ramp is included in the generated figure and above and below it are printed max +ve and -ve values for co-localisation for the figure but as yet I haven't been able to find any information (either in the paper or in the MBF documentation - are there any other bundles that also use this plugin and have more extensive documentation?) about whether these values are printed there just for information or if they are actually used as the min and max for the LUT - i.e. is the LUT adjusted between the +ve and -ve values each time or does the LUT always range from -1 to +1 and the values are just indicated for information about the maximal and minimal pixel values for the figure. I need to know this to know whether I can compare figures directly or whether I will always have to compare subjectively with reference to the LUT.
Any help will be massively appreciated!