On Jan 17, 2009, at 4:02 PM, Aryeh Weiss wrote:
> I find that when I set the max memory using
> Options-->Memory&threads...
> to a value over 1600 (eg, 2300MB), then I receive a warning that
> setting to a value over 1600MB may cause IJ to not start. Fair
> enough -- but I am using JRockit and in fact can use a larger max
> memory.
> So I click OK, but the max memory will be unchanged. If I put in a
> "legal" value (ie under 1600MB), then it will be changed after the
> next startup.
> I can work around this by manually entering the max memory in the
> ImageJ.cfg file as -Xmx####m .
> I think that this behavior is new, and might have been introduced
> as an unintended side effect of putting in the warning.
This bug is fixed in the v1.42h daily build.