Interacting with image in BatchMode

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Interacting with image in BatchMode

Thomas P
I'm in the middle of writing an automated red eye removal macro for a school project. A part of the program marks the located red eyes so the user can deselect false positives so they are not processed.

When I run the macro in Batchmode the image showing the detected red eyes are not shown, so the concept fall apart a bit. Is there a command that forces a window to apear even when batchmode is active?

On a different note - Is it possible to close the ROI manager window in a macro? selectWindow() doesn't seem to work on the ROI manager...

Thanks in advance

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Re: Interacting with image in BatchMode

Volker Baecker
Hash: SHA1

you can switch the batchmode off temporarily to allow user interaction
and switch it on again afterwards. For example

waitForUser("Correct the selection and press ok");

I don't know if it is directly possible in the macro language, but you
can do it running javascript from the macro language:

eval("script", "RoiManager.getInstance().close();");


On 16/06/10 14:19, Thomas P wrote:

> I'm in the middle of writing an automated red eye removal macro for a school
> project. A part of the program marks the located red eyes so the user can
> deselect false positives so they are not processed.
> When I run the macro in Batchmode the image showing the detected red eyes
> are not shown, so the concept fall apart a bit. Is there a command that
> forces a window to apear even when batchmode is active?
> On a different note - Is it possible to close the ROI manager window in a
> macro? selectWindow() doesn't seem to work on the ROI manager...
> Thanks in advance
> Thomas
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Re: Interacting with image in BatchMode

Thomas P
Thanks for the quick response. The reason why I haven't been doing as you said is partly that the documentation states that setBatchMode(true) should only be called once in each macro, and partly because the instance where user interaction is required is inside a function.

When I set BatchMode to false around the part where user interaction is required it seems as if all but the selected windows are closed (or removed from memory as they have never been open in batch mode) as the subsequent calls to other imageID returns an error - any way to fix this?

Thanks for the suggestion for the ROI manager. I will check it out though it is outside the scope of my course...
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Re: Interacting with image in BatchMode

setBatchMode(false) won't show any images that were created while in
Batch mode. But setBatchMode("exit and display") will probably let you
do what you want.


On 6/16/2010 6:38 AM, Thomas P wrote:

> Thanks for the quick response. The reason why I haven't been doing as you
> said is partly that the documentation states that setBatchMode(true) should
> only be called once in each macro, and partly because the instance where
> user interaction is required is inside a function.
> When I set BatchMode to false around the part where user interaction is
> required it seems as if all but the selected windows are closed (or removed
> from memory as they have never been open in batch mode) as the subsequent
> calls to other imageID returns an error - any way to fix this?
> Thanks for the suggestion for the ROI manager. I will check it out though it
> is outside the scope of my course...