Invitation to join the ImageJ Macro Support Group

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Invitation to join the ImageJ Macro Support Group

Elizabeth Crowell
Dear ImageJ list members,

We can all agree that ImageJ is a great program, whether we use it for simple
image processing tasks or to perform more complicated analyses, or whether we
participate in the development of new plugins to extend its capabilities.

Since users have very different interests and levels of experience with ImageJ,
many of the messages circulating on the ImageJ Interest Group list are not
pertinent for all subscribers.  To further encourage new users who would
like to start writing macros for ImageJ, a secondary mailing list has been

The "ImageJ macro support group" connects a network of ImageJ users who are
specifically interested in improving their skills in writing macros for ImageJ.
The membership base includes experienced programmers, and new users who are
learning to write their very first macros.

The members of the list regularly share the following information that might be
of interest to you:

- code explaining the use of ImageJ built-in functions
- code for new verified and functional macros
- adresses of web sites containing useful information about ImageJ
- questions on debugging code
- questions on how to get started writing macros

If you would like to join this list, please send your request to the
list administrator, Elizabeth Crowell ([hidden email]).

Subscribers may also download a document explaining the basics of writing macros
for ImageJ (available in English and French) from our mailing list website at


Elizabeth Crowell

Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire
INRA / Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin
Route de Saint-Cyr
78026 Versailles cedex

Tel: (33)
Fax: (33)