Invoking Auto Adjust Via Swing Application

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Invoking Auto Adjust Via Swing Application

Wise, Bowden (GE, Research)

I have built a Swing Application that embeds an ImageJ ImageCanvas within a
Swing JPanel. I am using a recent version of JDK6 that supports mixing of
heavyweight and lightweight components.

For the most part, I have been able to use ImageProcessor to perform some
operations on my images and it has been straightforward to update the image
so it is displayed properly.

I now have a need to be able to invoke some of the built-in functionality
provided by ImageJ, such as, Window Level and Auto Adjust of

How can I invoke these functions? Are either of these approaches possible?
1. Pop-up the B&C Plugin from my Swing app
2. Use ImageProcessor to apply same operations witihn my Swing app

Any advice and suggestion appreciated!