Is Color Deconvolution, deconvolution?

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Is Color Deconvolution, deconvolution?

David Webster

In image processing, deconvolution is a process for reversing image blur
by convolution with an optical system's PSF. But, the descriptions that
I have seen on color deconvolution seem to describe only an algebraic
appiled to the RGB channels at each pixel (e.g Landini's plugin). There is
no mention of
compensating for mixing with neighboring pixels. So, does color
involve optical deconvolution in a way that isn't obvious? If not,
why is color deconvolution called deconvolution at all.

David Webster
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Antwort: Is Color Deconvolution, deconvolution?

Joachim Wesner

it´s "deconvolution" wrt the color channels of EACH pixel, i.e. there is a
"color spread function" that redistributes a "color" (monochromatic or with
a given spectral distribution) over the RGB channels.
Color deconolution tries to reverse that process. Yes it´s "algebraic" and
an "inverse problem" that can be "resolved" by solving a system of
equations i.e. calculating an inverse matrix, however
this direct approach often is instable and requires "regularization".

The same applies to (linear) deconvolution, which could also be solved by
calculation a "inverse PSF", however, most of the time the matrices
involved are nearly singular and you
need at least something like SVD to get a "reasonable" result, if not an
iterative approach.

Just my 0.02$ (or 0.02€ here)


             David William                                                
             <dwwebster00@GMAI                                          An
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             Gesendet von:                                           Kopie
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             <[hidden email].          Is Color Deconvolution,            
             GOV>                       deconvolution?                    
             07.09.2009 20:43                                              
              Bitte antworten                                              
              ImageJ Interest                                              
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In image processing, deconvolution is a process for reversing image blur
by convolution with an optical system's PSF. But, the descriptions that
I have seen on color deconvolution seem to describe only an algebraic
appiled to the RGB channels at each pixel (e.g Landini's plugin). There is
no mention of
compensating for mixing with neighboring pixels. So, does color
involve optical deconvolution in a way that isn't obvious? If not,
why is color deconvolution called deconvolution at all.

David Webster

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Re: Antwort: Is Color Deconvolution, deconvolution?
