Issues in Analyse Particles routine

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Issues in Analyse Particles routine

Mark Ledebuhr
Dear Colleagues:


I am attempting to do high-resolution particle analysis for spray deposition
on Kromekote cards and am running into several issues. I have tried both the
ImageJ 1.49n install and also with a Fiji Install on a Windows 7 operating
system. Images are TIFF uncompressed 24 bit color, 3779x3779 pixels (about
40 mb).


Firstoff, what works: if I Open, Threshold, and Analyse Particles one image
at a time, I have no issues. I get a good "results" table and a good
"summary" table with data consistent to the image(s).


When attempting to use File>Open Next, I get a fault where the next image
opens, but when I attempt to Threshold it, the prior image fills it in, as
if the prior image were stuck in memory. Running Particle Analysis at this
point gives results from the prior image, but in the results and summary
table the results are labelled as the intended (next) image. Open Next would
be a handy routine; Is there a way to use this here that doesn't cause a


Next Issue: my threshold values do not change from image to image, so I'd
like to be able to Analyze Particles on a whole folder of images at one
time. I've attempted this  by dragging and dropping the folder of images in.
Processing them as a stack gives nonsensical results, and the summary
statistics for all slices in the stack come out identical (and wrong). This
problem appears more or less the same in both IJ1.49n and Fiji.


Dragging and dropping the folder in and not making a stack of the images
gets a little bit more batch efficiency; I'd like to do better.  


Is there a better way to Threshold and Particle Analyze a folder of images?


Thank you!


Mark Ledebuhr

Application Insight, LLC


Skype: mark.ledebuhr


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