JDTI -- Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Java

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JDTI -- Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Java

Barboriak, Daniel
Dear Group,

This email is to announce the availability of software to analyze MR
diffusion tensor images as a plugin to ImageJ.  The package is called JDTI
and is available cost free by registering and requesting it at our lab's
website (dblab.duhs.duke.edu).

JDTI (pronounced Jay-Ditty) requires MR diffusion tensor imaging as input,
and the user must know the b-value for the diffusion experiement, and the
directions in which diffusion gradients were applied (in order).  The
plugin produces ADC (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient) maps as well as
Fractional Anisotropy maps and Directional maps.

There are other software packages available for the analysis of diffusion
tensor data, perhaps most notably Susumu Mori's DTI Studio
(http://cmrm.med.jhmi.edu/DTIuser/DTIuser.asp).  Other software is being
developed to perform advanced analysis of these images (for example,
NAMIC's effort with itk at http://www.na-
mic.org/Wiki/index.php/NAMIC_Wiki:DTI:Tensor_format).  JDTI is pitched for
simpler applications (such as deriving ADC and FA maps from DTI datasets
using a single b-value) that can now be performed without leaving the
ImageJ environment.  JDTI does not do fiber tract mapping.  

Software for performing Patlak analysis on T1-weighted perfusion MR images
(TOPPCAT) remains available at the same web site.

Best wishes,


Daniel Barboriak, MD
Duke University Medical Center