Hi All,
This may be of interest to some on this list. Sorry if it's a bit spammy.
The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics (VCFG), part of the Peter
MacCallum Cancer Institute, is looking for a bioinformatician to analyse
high content imaging screens. This is image analysis on a big scale
(millions of images per screen), combined with genetic function and pathway
Here's a link to the job posting:
http://petermac.mercury.com.au/ViewPosition.aspx?id=11414and to the PDF "position description":
http://australianbioinformatics.net/storage/VCFG_Bioinformatics_Position_Description.pdfYou may contact Kaylene Simpson (VCFG Head) at
[hidden email] any questions. The application
deadline is January 13th (Australia
time! ;).
Happy New Year!
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