Hi Bill,
the only other possibility that I am aware of is the isKeyDown(key)
function, which is restricted to the "shift", "alt" and "space" keys.
You can also use getCursorLoc(x, y, z, modifiers) and wait for a
mouse key (encoded in the modifiers)
if (modifiers&leftButton!=0) ...
For other keys, I think that one would have to write a plugin that
registers as a keyListener of the main ImageJ panel. Probably it
should also have a pop-up window to tell the user that he should
press a key.
On 3 Dec 2008, at 00:40, Bill Mohler wrote:
> Can a macro accept keystrokes as user input in ways other than:
> 1. a shortcut key that starts a macro running
> 2. entries into a dialog field
> I'm wondering whether a macro can await a letter or number
> keystroke, and then execute some routine in response. Or would
> that have to be coded in a plugin?
> Thanks,
> Bill